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I-PASS Materials
The I-PASS Handoff Bundle was created by The I-PASS Study Group to teach a standardized approach to handoffs in inpatient settings. This collection is a comprehensive, evidence-based, and consensus-driven suite of educational materials created for a multi-site study that consists of six major complementary components:
I-PASS Handoff Curriculum: Core Resident Workshop
2-hour didactic and interactive session that teaches I-PASS techniques and conceptsI-PASS Handoff Curriculum: Handoff Simulation Exercises
1-hour interactive role-play session to allow for practicing of techniques learned in the resident workshop or online moduleI-PASS Handoff Curriculum: Computer Module
Electronic tool that allows for independent learning and review of I-PASS concepts and techniquesI-PASS Handoff Curriculum: Campaign Toolkit
Collection of materials to ensure adoption and implementation of the I-PASS handoff process and change institutional cultureI-PASS Handoff Curriculum: Faculty Development Resources
Set of resources to educate and train faculty or handoff champions for the implementation of the I-PASS handoff programI-PASS Handoff Curriculum: Faculty Observation Tools
Series of assessment tools designed to be used by institutions implementing the I-PASS handoff process
The I-PASS Study and I-PASS Handoff Bundle were specifically designed to target pediatric resident physicians. However, the I-PASS Handoff Bundle can serve as a framework for handoffs of care for multiple learner types and environments. Modifications of the I-PASS Handoff Bundle for additional provider types and sub-specialties are underway, but not yet final. Additional resources will be posted when available.
Now available: I-PASS Handoff Curriculum: Medical Student Workshop
Curriculum materials are now available. To submit a request for materials, please complete the form below.
The I-PASS Study was primarily funded by the United States Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). While we encourage the dissemination of I-PASS materials within your institution, federal regulations apply to any use of the I-PASS materials outside your institution:
- Any results, final or interim reports, press releases, data or analysis must be submitted to I-PASS (ipass.study@childrens.harvard.edu) for review and comment no less than 45 days before release. In addition, at least a 45 day notice must be given of any briefings or presentation to the press, Congress, etc.
- Each publication, press release or other document that cites results from DHHS grant-supported research and resources must include an acknowledgment of DHHS grant support and the following disclaimer: “The project described was supported by Grant Number R18AE000029 from the Department of Health and Human Services. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the Department of Health and Human Resources.”
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- The mission of the I-PASS Study Group is to improve patient safety by standardizing provider communication, with a specific focus on improving transitions of care. Members of the I-PASS Study Group include health services researchers, medical education experts, patients and families, nurses, and clinicians. The I-PASS Study Group oversees research projects regarding communication and patient safety.
- To achieve widespread adoption and sustainment of the evidence-based I-PASS Handoff program, members of the I-PASS Study Group co-founded the I-PASS Institute, a company dedicated to providing hospitals with assistance implementing I-PASS. For help implementing the I-PASS handoff program in your institution, please visit the I-PASS Institute website at www.ipassinstitute.com or email info@ipassinstitute.com.
- The work of the I-PASS Study Group focuses on the following:
- The I-PASS Study was a landmark multi-site research communication and patient safety study involving nine institutions in the US and Canada. In that study, we found that implementation of a bundle of interventions to improve resident physician communication during handoffs of patient care (called the I-PASS Handoff Bundle) was associated with a 30% reduction in preventable adverse events—medical errors that result in harm to patients. Implementation was also associated with improvements in verbal and written communication without a negative impact on provider workflow or handoff duration. The curricular materials developed for use in the I-PASS Study are all available free of charge by visiting the materials request section of this website.
- The I-PASS Handoff Bundle is the award-winning intervention tested in the I-PASS Study. It includes resources and information about and is actively being adapted for use in multiple different hospital settings and types of patient care handoff and transitions.
- The I-PASS Consultation Program offers mentored implementation of I-PASS Handoff curricular materials on a consultative basis. The primary goal of the consultation program is to assist departments, hospitals and health systems in implementing the I-PASS Handoff method to improve patient safety using a train-the-trainer approach. Consultation arrangements range from 1 day consultations to ongoing support of 18 months or longer.
- The I-PASS Mentored Implementation Program is a collaboration with the Society for Hospital Medicine funded by AHRQ.The goal of the program is to facilitate implementation of the I-PASS Handoff Bundle in internal medicine and pediatric residency programs at a select group of 32 hospitals across the United States. Each site will be paired with a team of mentors from the I-PASS Study Group to help guide them in implementing I-PASS Handoff techniques.
- The Patient and Family Centered I-PASS Study is a multi-site research study funded by PCORI with the goal of improving patient safety by enhancing the quality of communication between physicians, nurses, and families and to better integrate families into all aspects of daily decision making in hospitals. In the study we will test the effectiveness of a bundle of communication interventions based on the original I-PASS Study – Family-Centered I-PASS. Our hypothesis is that more effective communication between health care team members and families will significantly improve both patient safety and the patient and family experience.